Afghan Transit Trade: A Significant Factor Causing Economic Losses in Pakistan
Insights from a Government-Commissioned Report

In a government-commissioned report, it has been revealed that Afghan transit trade is a significant reason for economic losses in Pakistan.
According to sources, the report suggests that Afghanistan’s transit trade is the fundamental cause of the black market’s existence in Pakistan. Afghan authorities and businessmen provide false statements regarding goods’ income from Pakistani customs.
The report also indicates that transit trade includes items that are not used in Afghanistan; these items, when imported under transit trade, are sold in Pakistan. Even if goods are transported to Afghanistan, they often find their way back to Pakistan through smuggling.
According to sources, there has been a 67% increase in Afghanistan’s income through transit trade. Afghan income, which was 4 billion dollars last year, has risen to 6.71 billion dollars in 2022-23.
According to federal government sources, Pakistan’s small and medium-scale industries have been adversely affected by Afghan transit trade. The Pakistani economy is also negatively impacted by Afghan transit trade.
It is worth mentioning that a report surfaced a few days ago, revealing smuggling worth 30 billion rupees in the context of Afghan transit trade.
Sources indicate that the report also recommends that Afghan transit trade should be regulated according to international laws worldwide.