90% of Nursing Schools in Sindh Exposed as Fake
90% of Nursing Schools in Sindh Found to be Fake

The Senate Sub-Committee on National Health Services, Regulations, and Coordination has revealed a shocking truth about nursing education in Sindh, as 90% of nursing schools and colleges in the province have been identified as fake institutions with no genuine affiliations for clinical training. The committee convened to address the alarming issue of counterfeit institutions, their connection with hospitals, and the distribution of fraudulent nursing degrees and certificates.
The sub-committee, led by Senator Rubina Khalid, expressed dissatisfaction with the sluggish progress in resolving this matter, highlighting the scale of the issue. The committee’s inquiry into the discrepancy between the Pakistan Nursing Council’s claims and the actual state of these institutions unveiled a concerning situation. The discrepancies raised questions about the council’s regulatory role and the authenticity of the degrees it sanctions.
The committee emphasized that the establishment of a new Nursing Council is a necessary step towards rectifying these issues. It is anticipated that the restructured council will take prompt action against fake degrees, institutions, and those responsible for their operation. The sub-committee plans to engage with the new council in upcoming meetings to address these concerns and ensure effective regulation.
Furthermore, the Senate Sub-Committee directed the Ministry of Health to provide insights into the PNC (Amendment) Act, 2023, which holds potential solutions for improving the nursing education landscape. With the alarming revelation of fake nursing institutions, this move seeks to strengthen the regulatory framework and enhance the credibility of nursing education in the province.
The next meeting of the sub-committee is expected to provide a platform for the new Nursing Council’s president and a representative from the Ministry of Health to address these concerns comprehensively. The revelation of these ghost colleges underscores the importance of transparent regulation and the establishment of a robust education system that meets international standards and safeguards the future of nursing professionals in Sindh.