HEC Amendment Bill 2023 Grants Supreme Powers to Prime Minister, Strengthening Higher Education Governanc

In a significant development for the education sector, the Higher Education Commission (HEC) Amendment Bill 2023 has received approval from the federal cabinet, bringing about noteworthy changes and enhancements.
Under the new amendments, the role of the prime minister will be elevated to that of the controlling authority for the Higher Education Commission. This grants the government increased oversight and decision-making powers in the domain of higher education. As a result, the prime minister now has the authority to dismiss the HEC chairman before the completion of their term.
The amendment also designates the HEC as the sole regulatory authority responsible for overseeing all higher education institutions across the nation. This consolidation aims to streamline governance, ensuring consistent standards and practices throughout the higher education landscape.
Additionally, the amendment clarifies the scope of authority for the HEC chairman by eliminating the provision that equated their powers with that of a federal minister. This adjustment brings about a more precise delineation of the chairman’s role and responsibilities.
These amendments are a direct response to the reduction of the HEC’s powers following the implementation of the 18th Amendment. By redefining the relationship between the government and the HEC, this legislative change seeks to strengthen the commission’s ability to effectively regulate and improve the higher education sector.
The approval of the HEC Amendment Bill represents a pivotal moment in the evolution of higher education governance in Pakistan. It signals a concerted effort to enhance the quality and accountability of educational institutions throughout the country, setting the stage for a brighter future for the higher education sector.