Netflix Eyes Price Hike Amid Actors’ Strike
Global Shifts in Streaming Costs on the Horizon

In a strategic move, Netflix is contemplating a surge in subscription prices worldwide, a decision attributed to the ongoing SAG-AFTRA actors’ strike. The streaming giant, in a recent announcement, has hinted at the likelihood of increased subscription fees, anticipating a resolution to the strike in the coming months.
Although the specifics of the impending price adjustments are shrouded in secrecy, Netflix is reportedly engaged in talks to roll out these changes across various international markets. The initial wave of hikes is anticipated to hit the United States and Canada, though an official date for the implementation of these adjustments is yet to be confirmed.
Presently, the U.S. pricing model includes a Standard plan, offering two streams without ads, priced at $15.49 per month. Meanwhile, the Premium tier, allowing four simultaneous streams, comes at a cost of $19.99 per month.
Earlier this year, Netflix reshaped its pricing structure by phasing out the Basic tier, a $9.99 per month plan sans ads. Instead, the streaming service opted to spotlight its $6.99 per month ad-supported plan and higher-priced tiers.
Despite previous assurances from Netflix that major market price hikes, particularly in the U.S., were a distant prospect, recent developments suggest otherwise. The company had momentarily paused such considerations after launching a paid-sharing initiative in May 2023, aimed at capitalizing on password-sharing users. According to Netflix CFO Spence Neumann, this program has been instrumental in driving revenue growth throughout the year.
This revelation about a potential price hike aligns with a broader trend in the streaming industry, where several major services have recently adjusted their prices to better align with their content offerings. Industry giants like Disney, NBCUniversal, Paramount Global, and Warner Bros. Discovery have all made announcements regarding price modifications, responding to evolving market dynamics as they strive to balance content quality and affordability for their subscriber base.