HEC Pakistan Announces Undergraduate Scholarships for Gilgit-Baltistan Students
Applications Open for 2023-24 Academic Year in Top Pakistani Universities/Institutions

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan has recently announced its Undergraduate Scholarship Programme for the students of Gilgit-Baltistan, inviting applications from outstanding students who intend to pursue undergraduate studies (four/five years BS Programmes) from HEC-recognized public sector Universities/Degree Awarding Institutions (DAIs). This initiative is part of the project titled, “Undergraduate Scholarship Programme for the students of Gilgit-Baltistan in Top Pakistani Universities/Institutions (Batch-III)”.
Application Process:
Interested students can submit their applications online at the HEC e-portal by September 30, 2023. For detailed guidelines and more information, applicants can visit the official HEC website at hec.gov.pk/site/gb-scholarship.
Contact Information:
For any queries or assistance, applicants can reach out to Javed Hassan Awan, Project Director, Scholarships Division, Higher Education Commission, at the following contact details:
- Address: H-9, Islamabad
- Website: www.hec.gov.pk
- Telephone: 051-111-119-432
- Contact URL: https://onlinehelp.hec.gov.pk
- Email: [email protected]
Social Media:
Follow HEC Pakistan on social media for the latest updates:
- Facebook: HECPakistan2002
- Twitter: hecpkofficial, hec_pk
- Instagram: @HEC Pakistan